Thursday Evening Functional Training

Event on: 2016-October 20th 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM

Whether you’re training for triathlon, planning your next running race, or just trying to shed some extra kilograms, functional fitness is the BEST way to build strength and flexibility.

Our group training, known as WITC Thursday functional training, is an exercise session led by a professional trainer that involves different muscle groups, enhances core strength and overall body stability. One of the purposes of the training is to increase lactic acid tolerance which not only improves overall fitness and endurance, but has spill over benefit on other sports such as running, cycling and swimming.

The typical session would include sets of lounges, squads, push ups, running with medicinal ball and other similar type of activity. Due to the nature of the training anyone of basic level of physical activity can choose a level that suits him/her at the moment. Every training session is followed by a 15 minute stretching routine.


  • AKTYWNA WARSZAWA, ul. Rozbrat 26, 00-429 Warsaw

Dates and Times

  • Thursdays from 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm

Contact us at or for pricing and additional information.